Ethiopia: FEACC makes charges
Issue 255
- 31 May 2013
| 1 minute read
Ethiopia’s Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (FEACC) has made its first charges following several recent arrests of Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA) officials and local businessmen. Kumlachew Yeshambel, a team leader at ERCA, was charged with taking 200,000 birr ($10,600) in bribes. The FEACC has asked for more time to investigate a batch of new detainees, including local architect Begziabhere Alebel. An estimated 50-60 people have now been detained on suspicion of corruption since the arrests began in early May. The most senior of those arrested is ERCA director-general Melaku Fenta, who has ministerial rank. The FEACC head has said that the arrests followed two years of surveillance, but some local analysts and specialist newsletters question whether the arrests are serious and whether figures such as Fenta are being used as scapegoats to protect powerful officials of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front.
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