Power market
intelligence for a challenging environment


Identify investment opportunities and sales with the

most comprehensive and up-to-date source on African

power projects


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More than just a power plant database

Uncover projects that match your investment profile

Get continuously updated and detailed information on more than 7,500 power projects across all African countries, including the history of the project, financiers and operational status.

Understand the competitive market to inform your strategy

Use our integrated search and portfolios of owners, developers, suppliers and financiers to understand the relationships and the wider competitive market.

Analyse up-to-date statistics and understand future trends

Use our project pipeline to analyse aggregated statistics and understand future trends.

We don’t use estimates, so figures correspond to real power plants on the ground.

Enhanced by a leading source of news and intelligence

Our sourcing of project information is enhanced by our 25 years of experience reporting on the African energy industry.

We understand this market and know where to get accurate information.

Integrate Live Data into your system using the Live Data API

The Live Data API is the most flexible and detailed way to access our platform. It uses an industry standard RESTful API to query Live Data and outputs JSON that is easily integrated into your workflow.

Receive project information as it gets updated and make strategic decisions before anyone else.

Real-time updates

With the Live Data API you’ll have access to the most up-to-date information straight from our platform for your data analysis. No more downloading endless excels.

Deeper insights

The API allows you to delve deeper into our data to uncover hidden trends, patterns, and correlations, giving you a greater understanding of projects and the competitive environment and allowing you to build more informed business development strategies.

Seamless Integration

The API can enhance your own large scale data analysis systems. Whether you’re using Excel, Python, PowerBI, or any other data analysis tool, the Live Data API seamlessly integrates into your existing workflows. This means you can continue using your preferred tools while tapping into Live Data.

Installed capacity (MW) as of end-2024

Access the information you need


Best for teams to get an updated view of the market.

An annual or six-month subscription to the Live Data platfrom that will inform your business development with the most up-to-date power project information.

Get flexible access to a customised package of countries or power generation fuels.

You can also use our dedicated support team for specific data requests.


Best for individuals looking to get a snapshot of the market.

Get an instant view of the projects and companies involved in your chosen markets. You'll get the same level of information as a subscription, just without the updates.

Data is delivered in an excel-based format.

What is included:
Access to all power projects and organisations
Access to the Live Data platform and map search
Continuous updates and monitoring of power projects and organisations
Use of the Data Tool – access to the latest power statistics and more
Project notifications
Direct access to the Live Data support team
Option to add an API connection Contact us
Subscription to the African Energy newsletter Bespoke plans are available to combine Live Data with a newsletter subscription

Live Data news and insights

The past week on Live Data

Projects updated
Capacity added
Pipeline capacity added, 2025-2029

Latest installed capacity (MW)

Pipeline (2025-2029)

View the latest project updates


Zambia power map, cropped

Zambia looks to cost-reflective tariffs, solar and trading to help end power woes

Prolonged drought has profoundly impacted hydroelectric power-dependent Zambia. The government is enacting reforms to mitigate the crisis, most significantly increasing tariffs in October on an emergency basis – a move which could pave the way for permanent cost-reflective tariffs.

Developers are also advancing a solar PV pipeline that would see installed capacity increase tenfold by 2028. This informs an optimism from some players, such as private utility CEC, over the power sector’s longer-term prospects, writes Chiwoyu Sinyangwe in Lusaka.

Issue 517 - 28 November 2024

Pin Zambia

Pin Power, Strategy & risk

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African Energy Live Data Q3 2024 update

Frequently asked questions

What information is included in African Energy Live Data?
  • Detailed profiles of more than 7,500 projects.
    • Key data: status, location (province, locality), installed capacity, fuel, technology, design electricity production, reservoir capacity (hydropower), ownership type, connection type, critical milestones (including commercial operations date, financial close), substations.
    • Explore a project’s background and project history, financing, financial summary, equity holders, offtakers, contractors, electricity production.
  • Map interface (with satellite view, street map view) showing project location and transmission lines.
  • Organisation profiles
    • Providing access to organisations and entities developing, building, supplying, financing and investing in, power projects across Africa –developers, utilities, ministries, regulators, commissions, funds, banks, DFIs, contractors and service providers.
    • Explore an organisation’s power assets, power asset sales, project financing, contracts, subsidiaries, offtakers.
How do you obtain and verify your data?

Our approach is to use primary materials such as annual reports, licence and permitting documents wherever possible and to engage with the companies and authorities developing the projects to verify what is happening first hand.

If our staff don’t have a high degree of confidence in the information, then it will not go into the database – more research is required by our team.

Read more about our methodology

How can I access the data?

There are three ways to access the data:

  • The project map - this allows you to see individual project and organisation profiles, compare project locations against transmission infrastructure and use the Data Tool.
  • Excel spreadsheet - one-off tabular project information in Excel format is available through our support function. Just get in touch with your request. 
  • Live Data API - our RESTful API integration can be used to connect Live Data to your data pipeline. 

Got a question? Book a demo or request pricing.


Can I have a free trial?

Unfortunately, we don't offer free trials for Live Data but we are more than happy to demo the platform to as many of your team as many times as required. Just ask!