African power data: Sub-Saharan African trends and opportunities

African power data: Sub-Saharan African trends and opportunities

05 April 2023, Online, 12.00-13.00 BST (GMT +1)

African power data: Sub-Saharan African trends and opportunities

An African Energy webinar on the latest trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's power generation industry.

An African Energy webinar on the latest trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's power generation industry.

The webinar started with a presentation of the latest data from African Energy Live Data, the most comprehensive database of power generation plants and projects across the continent.

Analysis and commentary was led by African Energy's Head of data, Ajay Ubhi.

Subscribers may login below to watch a recording of the webinar and view graphics from the presentation

The meeting was free for all AIX members and African Energy newsletter and Live Data subscribers

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