Tanzania: Prequalification for Zanzibar RE and storage study

09 May 2019 | 1 minute read

Prequalification is under way to recruit a consultant for a World Bank Group (WBG)-funded project to facilitate the integration of variable renewable power and battery storage into the power grid on the island of Zanzibar. The study will provide technical and economic advice on developing and integrating renewable technology as well as the implications of structuring solar and battery storage projects as public-private partnerships. It will also recommend the amount of renewable power to be procured in the short-term to 2020, medium-term to 2025 and long-term to 2030, alongside adjustments and extensions required for the transmission grid and technical standards. The study is being funded through the WBG’s Tanzania Rural Energy Expansion Project.

The deadline for submissions is 27 May. Bidders should visit the WBG’s eConsultant2 website at https://wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org/wbgec/index.html

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