Seychelles: Ophir withdrawal
Issue 317
- 11 Feb 2016
| 1 minute read
Australia’s WHL Energy has said that Ophir Energy has relinquished its Seychelles blocks. “Under the terms of the Petroleum Agreement, the blocks revert back to the Seychelles government,” WHL said. It said national oil company PetroSeychelles had formally notified the original licence holder PetroQuest International that the petroleum agreement dated 14 April 2014 relating to Blocks 5B/1, 5B/2 and 5B/3 was terminated. WHL acquired the blocks from PetroQuest in 2010 and farmed out 75% to Ophir in 2014. “WHL Energy continues to work closely with the Seychelles government in assessing the forward strategy for this prospect,” the company said.
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