New projects to boost Uganda’s power supply
Issue 253
- 03 May 2013
| 4 minute read
Power project development seems to be gaining pace in Uganda as the government has turned to China to fund the 600MW Karuma dam, a project it previously planned to develop from its own resources. “We have begun negotiations with China to offer us credit to fund the project,” minister of state for energy Simon D’Ujanga told Reuters. “They will supply the contractor so that we don’t have to go through protracted procurement procedures.” The government signed a memorandum of understanding on 20 April with Turkey’s Mapa Construction for the 600MW Ayago dam project in the Murchison Falls National Park, while Katwe Geothermal Power Project Limited (KGPPL) has a power purchase agreement (PPA) for a 150MW geothermal project in Kasese district, western Uganda.
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