Lake Turkana nears financial close
Issue 262
- 02 Oct 2013
| 2 minute read
Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) expects to bring its 300MW project in Kenya on line during 2015, constituting a large chunk of the 510MW of wind energy that the government plans to commission over the next 40 months. “Commissioning will probably be 2015, which will be 50MW, and then will be injected in tranches of 10MW, with the turbines erected at one per day,” LTWP founder and owner Chris Staubo told African Energy. The company is meeting lenders in London to go through the remaining conditions precedent, of which there are about 600. “The lenders and debt are in place, we have our term sheet. What remains now is to have a meeting in London with all the lenders to go through the various conditions precedent,” said Staubo, adding: “We foresee financial close in December this year.”
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