Equatorial Guinea: ExxonMobil signs for Block EG-06
Issue 298
- 18 Apr 2015
| 1 minute read
The Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy and GEPetrol have signed a production-sharing contract (PSC) with ExxonMobil for Block EG-06, offshore Bioko Island, after lengthy negotiations. Block EG-06 lies immediately to the north of Ophir Energy’s Block R and adjacent to the border with Nigeria. It comprises the area formerly covered by blocks D-8, D-9, C-9, C-10 (part), C-11 (part), B-10 and B-11 (part). The PSC is subject to ratification by the government. ExxonMobil has been in Equatorial Guinea since 1995 and holds 71.25% in Block B, offshore Bioko Island, which contains the giant Zafiro oil field. GEPetrol holds a 23.75% interest and the state holds the remaining 5%. In December 2014, production from the Zafiro field exceeded 1bn barrels.
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