DR Congo: Ingerop to prepare tenders for rehabilitation of Ruzizi I and II
Issue 291
- 18 Dec 2014
| 3 minute read
Engineers from France’s Ingerop have started work on a new batch of studies for the rehabilitation of the Ruzizi I and II hydro plants. The contract is financed by the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund, which is providing up to €3m ($4m), with Germany’s KfW as lead financier and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and European Investment Bank (EIB) as co-financiers. The studies will assess the rehabilitation needs of the 29.8MW Ruzizi I and 43.8MW Ruzizi II hydropower plants on the Ruzizi River, which marks the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Burundi.
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