Côte d’Ivoire: KfW funds grid reinforcement
Issue 409
- 14 Feb 2020
| 1 minute read
A cabinet meeting on 5 February approved a €30m ($33m) loan from Germany’s KfW signed on 9 January to finance reinforcement of the interconnection with Ghana. It includes the construction of a 50km, 400kV line running through Abidjan’s northern suburbs between Bingerville on the eastern edge of the city and Akoupé-Zeudji to the north-west, the extension of the 400kV Akoupé-Zeudji substation and the construction in Bingerville of a 400/225kV substation with two 350MVA transformers which will enable production from the planned Ciprel V plant and Azito IV extension to be fed into the grid.
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