Côte d’Ivoire: Concession agreement signed for Biovéa biomass project
Issue 406
- 19 Dec 2019
| 1 minute read
Ivorian company Biovéa Energy on 9 December signed a 25-year concession agreement with the government for a 46MW biomass project in Aboisso. The project is being developed under the framework of the National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2014-2030, which aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the generation mix to 42% by 2030. Construction is expected to begin in mid-2020, with commissioning in mid-2023. Biovéa Energie is 40% owned by French utility EDF, 36% by investment fund Meridiam and 24% by Biokala, a subsidiary of Ivorian agribusiness Groupe Sifca.
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