Angola: Cobalt announces two pre-salt discoveries
Issue 265
- 08 Nov 2013
| 1 minute read
Cobalt International Energy has announced discoveries from two pre-salt wells, Lontra on Block 20 and Mavinga on Block 21. Once testing is complete on Lontra, Cobalt plans to move the Petroserv SSV Catarina drilling rig to the Orca pre-salt exploration well, to be drilled on the Baleia prospect, 25km north-east of Lontra in Block 20. On Block 21, the Mavinga well, located 12.5km north-west of Cobalt’s 2012 Cameia discovery, encountered 30 metres of oil pay, though Cobalt was unable to establish a sustained flow rate from a full drill stem test (AE 253/11).
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