Niger’s energy infrastructure and key data

Niger energy map
Issue 505
13 May 2024

Revised May 2024, this graphic combines maps providing a detailed view of energy infrastructure across Niger, complemented by charts showing key economic data.

The top part of the graphic consists of a map showing the locations of power generation facilities that are operating, under construction or planned. Generation sites are shown by type – including liquid fuels, coal, hybrid, hydroelectricity, solar (PV) and wind.

A second map shows open, free/unassigned and licensed oil and gas acreage, with a third map providing a more detailed look at the oil fields and prospects/leads in the Agadem Rift Basin.

Power generation sites are marked with different sized circles to show sites of 0.1-9MW, 10-99MW, 100-499MW and 500MW and above.

Existing and future transmission and distribution lines are shown ranging from 66kV to 330kV. Actual and planned cross-border interconnectors are also shown including lines to Burkina Faso and Nigeria.

Power generation data was drawn from our African Energy Live Data platform, which contains project level detail on power plants and projects across Africa.

A table details information on key demographic indicators while small trend charts show real GDP growth, real GDP per capita growth, CPI inflation, budget balance and current account.

The map is presented as a PDF file using eps graphics, meaning that there is no loss of resolution as the file is enlarged.

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