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AFDB: Clean technology fund investment; MALAWI: World Bank funding; SIERRA LEONE: IFC opens new country office

Sierra Leone | Malawi | South Africa

Exploration drilling is finally getting under way offshore Sierra Leone with Anadarko due to drill a well later this year that could open up a new segment of West Africa’s previously less fashionable offshore, write Thalia Griffiths and Eleanor Gillespie

Sierra Leone
Issue 161 - 25 April 2009

President promises Bumbuna power


President Ernest Bai Koroma has promised Sierra Leoneans that work is almost complete on the long-awaited Bumbuna dam, though he warned that they would have to wait for the rains to fill the reservoir. In a televised address on 14 April, he said the dam, the power plant and the main transmission line from Bumbuna to Freetown’s Kingtom power station were complete.

Sierra Leone
Issue 160 - 04 April 2009

Operator sought for Bumbuna


Sierra Leone has invited bids by 8 May for the operation and maintenance of the 50MW Bumbuna hydropower project on the Seli River.

Sierra Leone

ANGOLA: Pipelines contract for LNG plant; ANGOLA: Technip to expand Angoflex; GHANA/CAMEROON: USTDA study; MADAGASCAR: Enermad farms out to Niko Resources; MOROCCO: Canamens takes Essaouira blocks; NAMIBIA: Key pulls out; SIERRA LEONE: Elixir takes over after Prontinal fails to pay; UGANDA: Tower farms out Area 5; UGANDA: Heritage spuds Giraffe

Ghana | Cameroon | Angola | Namibia | Sierra Leone | Madagascar | Uganda | Morocco

Australia’s Elixir Petroleum has taken over its partner’s stake in Block SL-4 following its failure to pay its share of seismic costs. Elixir issued a notice of default to Prontinal in late September, but was unable to get it to pay the $9m owed. Elixir took over operatorship in February and contracted a 3D seismic survey, which was completed in June. The block was originally awarded to US-based real estate company 8 Investments, sole bidder in the 2002 licensing round.

Sierra Leone
Issue 148 - 18 October 2008

AfDB adds Bumbuna funding


The African Development Bank’s African Development Fund has approved a $16m loan towards the cost of completing the 50MW Bumbuna dam project. Work on the dam began in 1990, but was suspended during the civil war.

Sierra Leone

DR CONGO: Oil Ministry to meter production; EQUATORIAL GUINEA: CNOOC rig contract; ETHIOPIA: Aero survey plans; LIBYA: More RWE discoveries; LIBYA: Hellenic sells up; LIBYA: Punj Lloyd rig contract; NAMIBIA: Seismicl plans; SIERRA LEONE: Elixir hits snag on SL-4; TUNISIA: Ashtart upgrade contract

DR Congo | Namibia | Sierra Leone | Libya | Ethiopia | Equatorial Guinea | Tunisia
Issue 147 - 05 October 2008

WAPP interconnection studies awarded


The West African Power Pool (WAPP) secretariat has awarded two contracts for studies for the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) interconnection

Sierra Leone | Guinea | Liberia
Issue 147 - 05 October 2008

Sierra Leone: Elixir hits snag on SL-4


Operator Elixir Petroleum has issued a notice of default to its Block SL-4 partner British Virgin Islands-incorporated Prontinal, after it failed to pay $9m to a seismic contractor. Elixir took over operatorship in February and contracted a 3D seismic survey in March. Elixir, which has a 15% working interest, said Prontinal was in talks with “third party funding sources” to secure the cash and the two companies were working together to resolve the problem. The block was originally awarded to US-based real estate company 8 Investments.

Sierra Leone

PPL Shipyard wins rig order; Repsol renews EPSAs for two blocks; New Morocco licensing; Drilling planned in Mozambique; Russians enter Sierra Leone

Mozambique | Egypt | Sierra Leone | Libya | Morocco

ALGERIA: Gulf Keystone gas find ANGOLA: Cabinda South drilling LIBYA: Eni charter MADAGASCAR: Aminex pulls out; MADAGASCAR: Chinese partners; MAURITANIA: RWE farms into onshore; MAURITANIA: Chinguetti drilling; MOZAMBIQUE: Indians plan Rovuma farm-ins; SIERRA LEONE: Elixir completes seismic; TUNISIA: Al Thani rig contract

Mozambique | Angola | Mauritania | Sierra Leone | Madagascar | Libya | Algeria | Tunisia

London-based African Minerals, the former Sierra Leone Diamond Company, has agreed to commission an engineering study of the long-delayed 50MW Bumbuna hydropower project as part of its studies of its Tonkolili iron ore project, some 20km from the plant.

Sierra Leone

Cegelec to expand grid at Arzew; Work starts at Kpone plant; Strategic energy study; Coal miner plans 500MW power plant; Higher tariffs; AFC backs power project; Mittal in deal with Coal of Africa; Miners complain of power shortages

Ghana | Mozambique | Namibia | Sierra Leone | Algeria | Morocco | South Africa
Issue 136 - 12 April 2008

Elixir starts seismic acquisition


Australia’s Elixir Petroleum has taken over operatorship of 8 Investments’ Block SL-4 and has begun a 3D seismic acquisition programme.

Sierra Leone