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Issue 176 - 11 December 2009



AFRICAN BANKING CORPORATION: AfDB credit; SONELGAZ: Algerian parastatal finance debate rolls on

Mozambique | Botswana | Zimbabwe | Algeria | Tanzania

BURKINA FASO: Electrification work; EGYPT: Wind farm substation order; KENYA: Donor-funded transmission line contracts; RWANDA: Reco transmission equipment tender; SUDAN: DFIs support photovoltaic systems purchase; SUDAN: Grid for White Nile State; SUDAN: NEC restructuring; TANZANIA: Tanesco transmission consultancy order

Kenya | Egypt | Sudan | Rwanda | Tanzania | Burkina Faso

Cover Energy AIM listing; Support for high-speed telecoms; World Bank lends $50m for infrastructure; China may develop Lamu deep-water port

Mauritius | Kenya | Cameroon | Mozambique | Chad | Central African Republic | Tanzania
Issue 172 - 17 October 2009

Rationing as plants hit by breakdowns


Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (Tanesco) has been forced to ration power after a series of breakdowns caused a supply shortfall.


Public/private partnerships are seen as crucial to developing the East African Power Pool and other regional initiatives to supply some of the world’s least connected countries with power, writes Nadine Marroushi, recently in Dar es Salaam

Issue 170 - 19 September 2009

Aminex, EAX in asset trade


London Stock Exchange and Irish Stock Exchange-listed Aminex plc has reached agreement with East African Exploration Ltd (EAX) to increase its interest in the Nyuni production-sharing agreement and the 40m ft3/d gas discovery at Kiliwani North by 10%.

Kenya | Tanzania

ALGERIA: New Illizi Basin gas find; ANGOLA: Subsea 7 wins BP contract; REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE): Murphy begins oil production, makes discovery; REPUBLIC OF CONGO: SOCO spuds first Marine XI well; REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Dry well on Marine IX; EGYPT: Dana gas finds; EGYPT: Eni starts subsea gas production at North Bardawil; LIBYA: ExxonMobil drills first deep-water well; NIGERIA: Afren takes 28% stake in Okwok; NIGERIA: KNOC wins lawsuit against government; NIGERIA/SAO TOME: Addax starts JDZ drilling; SENEGAL: Shell pulls out of deal; TANZANIA: Upstream players create trade association; ZAMBIA: Government extends licensing round deadline

Egypt | Nigeria | Libya | Zambia | Congo Brazzaville | Algeria | Tanzania | Senegal

AFRICAN MINERALS: Share placing; AMINEX: Share placing

Sierra Leone | Tanzania
Issue 167 - 18 July 2009

Artumas wins state support


Canada’s Artumas Group has signed a joint operating agreement with Tanzanian Petroleum Development Company (TPDC) governing its gas concession operations.


EGYPT: Distribution tender; NIGERIA: Generation falls further; TANZANIA/UGANDA: Kagera hydro project to go ahead

Egypt | Nigeria | Uganda | Tanzania

SOUTH AFRICA: Proparco gives IDC E30m credit line; REGIONAL: Donors back private equity health fund; TANZANIA: IFC backs forestry project

Tanzania | South Africa

Africa’s power pools are talking up their potential to endow the continent with a larger, more rational electricity supply infrastructure.

Kenya | DR Congo | Zambia | Congo Brazzaville | Tanzania

Australia’s Atomic Resources Ltd has started work with the government on a bankable feasibility study for a coal-to-power project in the south of the country.


Dismissed for years as a gas play at best, East Africa is now seeing a brisk pace of activity despite the debt woes besetting some of the region’s smaller pioneers

Kenya | Somalia | Sudan | Madagascar | Uganda | Ethiopia | Tanzania
Issue 163 - 23 May 2009

FMO maintains financing flow


Despite the global downturn, the Dutch DFI retains a strong line-up of diverse energy projects, writes Kevin Godier. Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) is maintaining its role as one of the most active and flexible debt and equity providers as the global credit crisis has cut back commercial finance, with a string of new financing packages for African power generation schemes awaiting approval

Mozambique | Tanzania | Senegal