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69 results found for your search


CAMEROON: Andritz VA Tech Hydro wins refurb order; EGYPT: AfDB loan for Ain Sokhna; EGYPT: Bechtel gets nuclear design and consultancy contract; EGYPT: Transmission order for KEC; GHANA: Gas-to-power plans; MOZAMBIQUE: EU-backed capacity-building TA work; NAMIBIA: NamPower tenders Ruacana IV civil works; NAMIBIA: EIB/EU support for NamPower, Caprivi interconnector; NIGER: Areva to mine Imouraren uranium; NIGERIA: Business lobby plans 30MW wind farm; SUDAN: Talks on co-operation with Iran; TOGO: Opic funding for Lomé plant

Ghana | Cameroon | Mozambique | Egypt | Namibia | Niger | Sudan | Nigeria | Togo
Issue 164 - 09 January 2009

Togo: Opic funding for Lomé plant


US firm ContourGlobal has signed a $146m non-recourse financing agreement with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Opic) for the construction of a 100MW power plant in Lomé (AE 144/13). The project is due on stream by year-end. It will be powered by six Wärtsilä 18V50DF engines (16.6MW each), which can operate on natural gas, heavy fuel oil (HFO), and distillate diesel oil. The project will operate on HFO until gas becomes available from the West African Gas Pipeline. Contour Global has a 25-year concession and power purchase agreement to sell its power to Togolese distributor Compagnie d’Energie Electrique du Togo.

Issue 164 - 09 January 2009

Togo: Opic funding for Lomé plant


US firm ContourGlobal has signed a $146m non-recourse financing agreement with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Opic) for the construction of a 100MW power plant in Lomé (AE 144/13). The project is due on stream by year-end. It will be powered by six Wärtsilä 18V50DF engines (16.6MW each), which can operate on natural gas, heavy fuel oil (HFO), and distillate diesel oil. The project will operate on HFO until gas becomes available from the West African Gas Pipeline. Contour Global has a 25-year concession and power purchase agreement to sell its power to Togolese distributor Compagnie d’Energie Electrique du Togo.

Issue 147 - 05 October 2008

Chevron businesses sold


Chevron Africa Holdings has agreed to sell Chevron Nigeria Holdings (CNH) and its operations in Benin, Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo to Corlay Global, a Panamanian company owned by a consortium of Nigeria’s MRS Holdings Ltd and Petroci Holdings of Cote d’Ivoire. Bermuda-registered CNH holds 60% of the publicly listed Chevron Oil Nigeria.

Cameroon | Benin | Congo Brazzaville | Togo | Côte d'Ivoire
Issue 144 - 02 August 2008

Wärtsilä to supply tri-fuel plant


US power company ContourGlobal has given Wärtsilä a turnkey contract to supply a 100MW power plant for the capital Lomé (AE 105/3). The project, Togo’s largest ever electricity investment, has attracted $209m in financing and political risk insurance from the US’ official Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Opic).


ENERISQ: Nigeria partnership; GALP: Portuguese buying Shell operations in three countries

Gambia | Ghana | Mozambique | Benin | São Tomé & Príncipe | Nigeria | eSwatini (Swaziland) | Togo

A groundbreaking ceremony for a Ghana-Togo power interconnection scheduled for 10 May had to be postponed at the last minute.

Ghana | Togo

COTE D’IVOIRE: ADB post-conflict funds; RWANDA: World Bank funding; TOGO: World Bank arrears deal

Rwanda | Togo | Côte d'Ivoire

Pipeline leaks in Nigeria mean Ghanaians are still waiting for first gas from the West African Gas Pipeline, which had been promised for Christmas.

Ghana | Benin | Nigeria | Togo