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Issue 260 - 09 August 2013

Gasol: Lukman named chairman


Afren spin-off Gasol has named former Opec secretary-general Rilwanu Lukman as chairman, replacing Cornelia Meyer, who stepped down with effect from 1 August. Lukman co-founded Afren and served as its non-executive chairman from November 2006 to December 2008, and as strategic adviser to the board from July 2007 to December 2008, stepping down when he was named Nigerian petroleum resources minister by President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua.

Benin | Togo

Afren affiliate Gasol has signed a strategic alliance agreement with Azerbaijan’s Socar Trading SA (STSA) in relation to its proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) import project in Benin. STSA will supply the LNG for the project and assist Gasol with the provision of a floating gas storage and regasification vessel in Cotonou harbour.

Ghana | Benin | Togo

Following international competitive bidding, Eco Delta has won a concession to install a 25.2MWe wind farm at a site close to the capital, Lomé. It has created a local venture, Delta Wind Togo SA-CA, in which the French renewables developer has taken 85% of the equity and a local partner the rest.


The World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) has signed an agreement with Norway’s Scatec Solar to develop solar projects in West and Central Africa.

Cameroon | Benin | Niger | Burkina Faso | Togo
Issue 228 - 30 March 2012

US minnow eyes four blocks


Brenham Oil & Gas Corporation on 23 March announced a letter of award from the government giving it a 15% participating interest in four blocks in West Africa

Equatorial Guinea | Togo
Issue 223 - 19 January 2012

CEB transmission tenders


The joint Benin-Togo Communauté Electrique du Bénin (CEB) has issued a number of tenders following loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and other multilateral donors for improvements to energy infrastructure

Benin | Togo
Issue 222 - 16 December 2011

Project delays lead to demand crisis


Despite promises of new generation infrastructure, power cuts remain routine for distributor Société Béninoise d’Energie Electrique (SBEE), which struggles to meet demand.

Benin | Togo
Issue 202 - 04 February 2011

New head for BOAD


Benin national Christian Narcisse Adovèlandé will be the new head of the Lomé, Togo-based Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD – West African Development Bank), replacing former World Bank vice president Abdoulaye Bio Tchané, who is running for president in Benin’s upcoming elections.

Benin | Togo
Issue 196 - 23 October 2010

ContourGlobal plant starts up


US company ContourGlobal has started up a 100MW triple fuel power plant in Lomé, making Togo self-sufficient in energy and boosting the nascent West Africa Power Pool.

Issue 190 - 10 July 2010

… and brings Alac into play


The International Finance Corporation’s IFC Asset Management Company has announced the first investment by the IFC African, Latin American and Caribbean (Alac) Fund, committing up to $35m in equity to support the modernisation and expansion of HeidelbergCement in West Africa.

Ghana | Benin | Sierra Leone | Liberia | Gabon | Tanzania | Togo

BURUNDI: Substation rehab, grid protection; CAPE VERDE: Lighting supply; DR CONGO: Snel management support contract; MALI: O&M contract for HFO plant; MALI: 25MW unit planned for Taoussa dam; MOZAMBIQUE: European capacity-building contract; MOZAMBIQUE: Multi-purpose dams to power centre; NIGER: Kandadji dam studies and supervision order; TOGO: Power rehab tender

Cabo Verde | Mozambique | DR Congo | Niger | Togo | Mali | Burundi

AFDB: African Infrastructure Investment Fund stake; ANGOLA: IMF approves $1.4bn stand-by; ECOBANK: IFC investment

Angola | Togo

BENIN/TOGO: CEB seeks equipment for Nangbeto; BOTSWANA: Substation and transmission line tender; CAMEROON: Hyundai to build power plant for Logbaba gas; EGYPT: North Giza deadline deferred; ETHIOPIA: Equipment sought for Gibe 3; MOZAMBIQUE: Self Energy sets up local venture; TUNISIA: Bizerte bids due in January

Cameroon | Mozambique | Botswana | Egypt | Benin | Ethiopia | Togo | Tunisia
Issue 164 - 06 June 2009

World Bank infrastructure grant


The World Bank board has approved an Emergency Infrastructure and Electricity Rehabilitation Project (PURISE) for the Republic of Togo. PURISE is funded by a $26.82m grant, $25m of which is being provided by the World Bank and $1.82m by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).


German companies win solar contracts; Aggreko installs 30MW power plant for EEPCo; WAPP and domestic transmission line tenders; ONE buys into Casablanca public lighting; Bids for Ruacana IV civil works, Transmission line tender; Grid expansion tenders

Namibia | Ethiopia | Algeria | Morocco | Togo | Mali