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Uganda’s plans for a 100,000-150,000 b/d refinery are firmly opposed by Tullow Oil plc, which says this would leave it with a large quantity of heavy fuel oil (HFO) without a market outlet


Uganda is phasing out its costly diesel-fired emergency power, replacing it in the short term with heavy fuel oil (HFO) and in the longer term with hydro and small amounts of co-generation from sugar plants (AE 149/6).


British company to carry out Baynes EIA; NBE loan for EETC’s grid expansion; Indians look for coal; Transmission line tenders; Study sought for Ngwempisi hydro cascade; Small hydro

Mozambique | Egypt | Angola | Namibia | Uganda | eSwatini (Swaziland)

DR CONGO: EnerGulf signs JOA for Lotshi; EGYPT: El Paso in asset swap with RWE; MOROCCO: Circle makes new gas find; UGANDA: Heritage considers rail/barge options; UGANDA: Global farm-in approved

Egypt | DR Congo | Uganda | Morocco

The African Energy Infrastructure Fund is moving towards its $150m first phase closing.


President Yoweri Museveni has carried out a major cabinet shuffle, moving Daudi Migereko from energy and minerals, and giving the finance portfolio to ultra-loyalist Syda Bbumba, a former energy minister and an economist by training.


Heritage Oil and Tullow Oil have announced their largest discovery so far in the Lake Albert Rift Basin (AE 154/18).

Issue 155 - 23 January 2009

TULLOW OIL: Luck of the Irish


Despite the turmoil hitting global markets, Tullow Oil says its $2bn debt refinancing is well advanced and is targeted to complete in February.

Ghana | Uganda
Issue 154 - 09 January 2009

Uganda: Heritage spuds Giraffe


Operator Heritage Oil has spudded the Giraffe well in the Butiaba region of Block 1, following the Warthog and Buffalo discoveries on the same block. Giraffe-1 is located 5km south-west of the successful Buffalo-1 well, which encountered a gross hydrocarbon-bearing interval of some 123 metres with net hydrocarbon pay of 43 metres. Buffalo-1 is the fifth successful test of the Victoria Nile delta play fairway within the Lake Albert Rift Basin and was drilled 16km north-east of the Warthog-1 and Kasamene-1 discoveries.


The African Development Bank Group has approved a soft African Development Fund loan of $78.13m to finance the Mbarara-Nkenda and Tororo-Lira power transmission lines project.


ANGOLA: Pipelines contract for LNG plant; ANGOLA: Technip to expand Angoflex; GHANA/CAMEROON: USTDA study; MADAGASCAR: Enermad farms out to Niko Resources; MOROCCO: Canamens takes Essaouira blocks; NAMIBIA: Key pulls out; SIERRA LEONE: Elixir takes over after Prontinal fails to pay; UGANDA: Tower farms out Area 5; UGANDA: Heritage spuds Giraffe

Ghana | Cameroon | Angola | Namibia | Sierra Leone | Madagascar | Uganda | Morocco

Seadrill rig contract; IPR scores Jurassic discovery in Western Desert; Sea Dragon drills on Dahab North; Kiarsseny farm-in deal; Hyedua appraisal success; Taoudeni drilling to start next year; JV proposed with UAE company; Second gas find for Circle; Data facility; EAX in exploration deal; Kingfisher appraisal success

Ghana | Egypt | Angola | Mauritania | Seychelles | Nigeria | Uganda | Gabon | Morocco | Mali

The World Bank Group’s Inspection Panel (IP) has raised a number of concerns in its investigation of the Bujagali dam project. Groups led by Uganda’s National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) requested an inspection last year (AE 119/23). The project has also been investigated by the African Development Bank’s Independent Recourse Mechanism.

Issue 151 - 28 November 2008

Upstream Pointers: Musveni, H Oil


Ugandan President seeks Nigerian oil expertise; Bahraini link up for Africa plays

DR Congo | Angola | Sudan | Uganda

GdF Suez plans LNG plant; KBR wins Lobito refinery FEED; Chevron sells downstream ops to Total; Foster Wheeler to oversee Zwara refinery

Kenya | Cameroon | Angola | Uganda | Libya