Uganda’s plans for a 100,000-150,000 b/d refinery are firmly opposed by Tullow Oil plc, which says this would leave it with a large quantity of heavy fuel oil (HFO) without a market outlet
Uganda is phasing out its costly diesel-fired emergency power, replacing it in the short term with heavy fuel oil (HFO) and in the longer term with hydro and small amounts of co-generation from sugar plants (AE 149/6).
British company to carry out Baynes EIA; NBE loan for EETC’s grid expansion; Indians look for coal; Transmission line tenders; Study sought for Ngwempisi hydro cascade; Small hydro
DR CONGO: EnerGulf signs JOA for Lotshi; EGYPT: El Paso in asset swap with RWE; MOROCCO: Circle makes new gas find; UGANDA: Heritage considers rail/barge options; UGANDA: Global farm-in approved
The African Energy Infrastructure Fund is moving towards its $150m first phase closing.
President Yoweri Museveni has carried out a major cabinet shuffle, moving Daudi Migereko from energy and minerals, and giving the finance portfolio to ultra-loyalist Syda Bbumba, a former energy minister and an economist by training.
Heritage Oil and Tullow Oil have announced their largest discovery so far in the Lake Albert Rift Basin (AE 154/18).
Despite the turmoil hitting global markets, Tullow Oil says its $2bn debt refinancing is well advanced and is targeted to complete in February.
Operator Heritage Oil has spudded the Giraffe well in the Butiaba region of Block 1, following the Warthog and Buffalo discoveries on the same block. Giraffe-1 is located 5km south-west of the successful Buffalo-1 well, which encountered a gross hydrocarbon-bearing interval of some 123 metres with net hydrocarbon pay of 43 metres. Buffalo-1 is the fifth successful test of the Victoria Nile delta play fairway within the Lake Albert Rift Basin and was drilled 16km north-east of the Warthog-1 and Kasamene-1 discoveries.
The African Development Bank Group has approved a soft African Development Fund loan of $78.13m to finance the Mbarara-Nkenda and Tororo-Lira power transmission lines project.
ANGOLA: Pipelines contract for LNG plant; ANGOLA: Technip to expand Angoflex; GHANA/CAMEROON: USTDA study; MADAGASCAR: Enermad farms out to Niko Resources; MOROCCO: Canamens takes Essaouira blocks; NAMIBIA: Key pulls out; SIERRA LEONE: Elixir takes over after Prontinal fails to pay; UGANDA: Tower farms out Area 5; UGANDA: Heritage spuds Giraffe
Seadrill rig contract; IPR scores Jurassic discovery in Western Desert; Sea Dragon drills on Dahab North; Kiarsseny farm-in deal; Hyedua appraisal success; Taoudeni drilling to start next year; JV proposed with UAE company; Second gas find for Circle; Data facility; EAX in exploration deal; Kingfisher appraisal success
The World Bank Group’s Inspection Panel (IP) has raised a number of concerns in its investigation of the Bujagali dam project. Groups led by Uganda’s National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) requested an inspection last year (AE 119/23). The project has also been investigated by the African Development Bank’s Independent Recourse Mechanism.
Ugandan President seeks Nigerian oil expertise; Bahraini link up for Africa plays
GdF Suez plans LNG plant; KBR wins Lobito refinery FEED; Chevron sells downstream ops to Total; Foster Wheeler to oversee Zwara refinery