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333 results found for your search


DR CONGO: More Chinese drop in; MOROCCO: More private wind power from DLM; MOZAMBIQUE: Brazilians to build Mphanda Nkuwa; NAMIBIA: Uranium miner plans 12MW heat from acid plant

Mozambique | DR Congo | Namibia | Morocco

As its real economy collapses, Zimbabwe seems condemned to suffering an ever-worsening power crisis. But at a regional level NamPower’s rescue deal for Zesa has started to bear fruit, with the first electricity flowing across the border into the Namibian grid.

Namibia | Zimbabwe
Issue 131 - 25 January 2008

Indies add to major state players


In addition to major state companies that have long been regarded as major Gulf investors abroad, such as Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (Kufpec), a number of Kuwait-based companies have been established in recent years with aspirations to become major E&P companies by investing in Africa and other emerging frontiers.

Egypt | Namibia | Sudan | Libya | Tanzania | Morocco | Tunisia