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The Libya energy dossier

African Energy’s latest piece of investigative journalism is based on a stream of leaked documents, mostly in Arabic, which have been translated and verified by senior editor John Hamilton.

This exposé of mismanagement, corruption and lack of accountability is part of an ongoing reporting project.

African Energy has examined dozens of internal documents from the Ministry of Oil and Gas, NOC, the Government of National Unity, and other related institutions which provide a unique insight into how Libya’s oil and gas sector is being managed.

African Energy’s research has revealed key risks which any participant in the sector will need to understand and navigate.

Purchasers get three months' access to the core research, plus:

Extensive curated further reading from African Energy's newsletter archive.

Any new updates on this topic published during the three months after purchase.

Licence covers staff at the purchasing entity only.

Explore the Libya energy dossier.

The standard report licence covers up to five named members of staff at the purchasing entity.

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