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A third discovery in the South Lokichar Basin raises the possibility that oil from Kenya’s first discoveries could reach the market quicker than Uganda’s, which date back to 2006. Tullow is pushing ahead with exploration and appraisal in Kenya, hoping that it can start to build an export structure into which Uganda can later feed. On the potential scale of the discoveries, Tullow points out that it has interests in 12 East African Tertiary Rift basins. Early success in Uganda’s Lake Albert, and more recently in Kenya’s South Lokichar, substantially derisks the others, though probably not all will deliver success, and exploration will move into further basins next year.

Kenya | Uganda

Total has announced the final investment decision and contract awards for the Moho Nord development on the Moho-Bilondo licence. The $10bn development will target some 485m boe of new reserves, comprising additional reserves in the southern part of the licence with Moho Bilondo Phase 1 bis, and new reserves in the northern sector with Moho Nord. First oil is expected in 2015, with output reaching 140,000 boe/d in 2017.

Congo Brazzaville

With North African governments revising their policies in the wake of the region’s political convulsions, a visit to Algeria by Moroccan energy, mines, water and environment minister Amina Benkhadra raised the prospect that the kingdom might increase liftings of Algerian gas via a new pipeline from Hassi R’Mel, and develop a range of other projects,

Algeria | Morocco
Issue 318 - 25 February 2016

Confidence building in Sharm El-Sheikh


Egypt’s promotion of its mostly deserted prime Red Sea holiday resort as the location for an African investment summit demonstrated both the opportunities and pitfalls confronting the continent. The Islamic State bomb that destroyed a plane of Russian holidaymakers returning home from the resort in October 2015 undermined one of the country’s main generators of foreign currency, threatening a potential balance of payments crisis. Many other countries are vulnerable to similar attacks and already, in various ways, Islamic extremists have shown their ability to shake the economic foundations of countries across a large swathe of Africa.

Issue 178 - 12 January 2010

Ngong wind power tender


Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is seeking bids from Spanish companies for the 10MW Ngong II wind power project. The project is being financed through a concessional loan of up to E20m ($28m) from the Spanish government.


Post-Qadhafi Libya is forming itself even before the old dictator departs, with a leadership that can avoid the country splitting up, while new institutions are created and Libyans get back to work. Much of the oil industry is shut in but all sides are anxious to turn on the taps, provided a full civil war can be avoided.

Issue 216 - 24 September 2011

Energean extends West Kom Ombo


Athens-based Energean Oil & Gas has entered the second exploration phase of the West Kom Ombo Block concession licence in Upper Egypt. The three-year extension is due to end in September 2014. During this new phase, Energean

Issue 181 - 26 February 2010

Bankers predict upturn in oil lending


Oil sector financiers are anticipating another busy year, led by the need for new money in the hydrocarbons sectors in East and West Africa, writes Kevin Godier

Ghana | Egypt | Nigeria | Uganda | Gabon

Hyperdynamics Corporation has filed legal actions against its partners Tullow Oil and Dana Petroleum in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas and before the American Arbitration Association over what it says is their failure to prepare for a well due by September.


China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Taiwan’s CPC have pulled out of onshore Block 9, leaving Africa Oil Corporation (AOC) to take over the operatorship as it enters the first additional exploration phase. Africa Oil will now hold a 66.7% working interest in the block, with Lion Energy Corporation holding the remaining 33.3%. As a condition of entering the new phase, 25% of the original contract area will be relinquished. A well has to be drilled by December 2013. The Boghal-1-1 well was drilled to a depth of 5,085 metres and found a potentially large gas accumulation in the Lower Cretaceous, although monetising gas from that depth is not easy.


Cover Energy AIM listing; Support for high-speed telecoms; World Bank lends $50m for infrastructure; China may develop Lamu deep-water port

Mauritius | Kenya | Cameroon | Mozambique | Chad | Central African Republic | Tanzania

Long project lead-ins and an increasingly cumbersome registration and assessment system have severely limited the volume of carbon emission reduction credits generated by African companies, according to a leading market player.

South Africa

The Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons is drawing up a new energy policy and least-cost development plan and is seeking private partners to carry out studies for potential hydro schemes. The energy policy’s five aims are access to modern energy, affordability, quality of products and services, energy security and durability. The least-cost development plan will draw up a list of projects focused on renewables, as well as a strategy for the expansion of existing resources and development of new schemes to ensure supply for the next 20 years.


Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) is seeking proposals from US companies to carry out a feasibility study for the proposed Van Eck power plant rehabilitation project, which will be financed from a $400,000 US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) grant.


South Africa’s generous new renewable energy feed-in tariff (Refit) regime, announced by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), is a potentially significant catalyst for Africa’s slow-moving carbon credits market. The new regime is designed to spur potential wind, mini-hydro, landfill-gas and solar power investments, where carbon credits are available

South Africa