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Among bankers there is more mystery surrounding Angola’s financing plans than there is about the identity of President José Eduardo dos Santos’ pick as his new petroleum minister. Ex-energy and water minister José Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos has replaced Desidério da Graça Verissimo e Costa at the Ministry of Oil in the much-anticipated post-election reshuffle (AE 146/25).


Despite its corruption, violence and lack of political cohesion, Nigeria remains one of the best credit risks that are offered to insurers, according to a senior political risk insurance (PRI) underwriter in the Lloyd’s of London market. “It’s a good market, which has never thrown out any credit risk losses,” he said. However, capacity for Nigeria among


While banks are pulling in their credit, development finance institutions continue to expand their operations in sub-Saharan Africa. Kevin Godier talked to Germany’s DEG about a positive trend.

Issue 147 - 05 October 2008

Zimbabwe deal but no deal


Mugabe did a public deal to share power with Tsvangirai, but the octogenarian president has no intention of stepping back, and Zimbabwe’s political and economic crisis thus shows no sign of letting up.


In a move typical of the convoluted deals so beloved of Colonel Muammar Qadhafi’s Jamahiriya (State of the Masses), African Energy hears that Libya is turning to some of its new friends with requests of help to fund the big compensation settlements demanded by the Lockerbie bombing families.


IFC: New director for environment and social development; JAPAN: JICA expansion


For Africans who depend on the environment for their livelihoods, human security is more closely tied in with the effects of climate change than it is elsewhere.


The South African utility has warned that its coal needs run the risk of outstripping local supply within ten years, posing a fresh challenge to southern Africa’s energy industry, writes Our Cape Town Correspondent. Faced with rising coal exports from the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) and a slowdown in new coal mining projects,

South Africa
Issue 146 - 20 September 2008

Ex-Im Bank sounds out Nigerian power sector


Officials at the US Ex-Im Bank are in talks with Nigerian power developers, writes Kevin Godier. The Export-Import Bank of the United States reports seeing a rise in interest in electricity schemes since sponsoring a three-day Nigerian Independent Power Project (IPP) Financial Seminar in Abuja in April in conjunction

Issue 146 - 20 September 2008

Libyans flex sovereign wealth muscles


After the failure of a promised Chinese farm-in on its Namibian acreage, AIM-listed Circle Oil has cut a deal for the newly structured (out of Tamoil Africa) Libya Oil Holding (LOH) to become a major shareholder. The move shows how Libyan players linked to Tripoli’s nascent sovereign wealth fund,


Higher oil revenues and settlements with vulture funds have given Republic of Congo the space to bow to Bretton Woods demands for more transparent accounting for petroleum income, writes Paul Melly.

Congo Brazzaville
Issue 146 - 20 September 2008

The IMF’s transparency demands


The International Monetary Fund made a new Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility conditional on Republic of Congo’s acceptance of an unusually detailed set of reforms – and it has turned down a government request to allow Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC) to help meet the cost of food subsidies.

Congo Brazzaville

Business leaders breathed a collective sigh of relief as post-election calm suggested the investment climate would remain stable with the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) in control after the 5-6 September general election. Final results, released on 17 September, showed that the

Issue 145 - 06 September 2008

EITI: Doha venue for fourth conference


The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative will hold its fourth international conference in Doha on 16-18 February 2009.


NIGER: Badea backs Kandadji HEP; SUDAN: More Kuwaiti funding for Merowe

Niger | Sudan