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President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration has taken some initial steps to develop green hydrogen projects, but analysts and industry players say more support is needed from the government, development financiers, international technology partners and offtakers if the nascent industry is to fulfil its potential.

South Africa

Zesco has signed a power purchase agreement with Nigerian company Africa Consolidated Services Group (ACSG) for new solar thermal capacity. It is the state-owned utility’s third major solar power deal this year, and a sign that Zambia is trying to reduce its dependence on hydroelectric power


Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) has issued three open tenders for generation and transmission contracts, including a call for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) bids to build the 70MWp Rosh Pinah solar PV project.


Financial close for Biovea’s 45MW Ayébo plant in Côte d’Ivoire could prove a milestone as potential investors investigate whether utility-scale biomass is bankable in countries with large agro-industries. Biomass has appeal – providing dispatchable baseload electricity while potentially sustaining a large number of jobs – but there have been false dawns before and hurdles remain for developers, not least sourcing sufficient feedstock, writes Marc Howard.

Côte d'Ivoire

Africa has a largely early stage bioethanol industry – after an earlier phase of biofuels developments fell far short of expectations, due to problems over financing and concerns that commercial interests were pushing out vital food crops. ‘First generation’ feedstocks sourced from edible biomass were the subject of a longstanding ‘food versus fuel’ debate over land use.


In another move to increase its woefully low level of electricity supply – and with it Eritrea’s attempted re-emergence from international isolation – the Ministry of Energy and Mines has requested bids for the design, supply and installation of a 30MW solar PV plant along with an associated storage facility of unspecified capacity.


Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)-listed graphite miner and processor Syrah Resources has signed two new offtake agreements with American active anode material (AAM) processors for offtake from its Balama mine in Cabo Delgado province. Balama is the world’s largest facility outside China producing natural graphite, which is far less emitting than its synthesised counterpart. Major new demand from US-based buyers would mark a sea change in its marketing, as in 2022 China made up 64% of Syrah’s sales by revenue.


Kalahari GeoEnergy (KGE) has said it expects to commission a 50kW pilot geothermal plant at Bweengwa in Southern Province by year-end. The project is Zambia’s first geothermal independent power producer (IPP) and is due to expand to 10MW over time.


Kinross Gold Corporation’s 42MWp solar PV and 18MW storage plant, which is under construction at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)- and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)-listed firm’s Tasiast gold mine, is due to be completed by year-end.

Project bulletin

Vedanta Zinc International has signed a power purchase agreement with independent power producer Enernet Global (Enernet) to develop a solar PV plant to supply its Black Mountain mines in Aggeneys, Northern Cape, South Africa.

South Africa
Project bulletin

Kalahari GeoEnergy (KGE) has set a date for the expected commissioning of a 50kW pilot geothermal plant at Bweengwa in Southern Province. The project is Zambia’s first geothermal independent power producer (IPP) and is due to expand to 10MW over time.


Cairo is pressing on with the implementation of its existing electricity supply industry (ESI) strategy in the face of severe headwinds. Some major reforms, including energy sector liberalisation, are certain to be delayed, but the authorities continue to drive big ticket projects forward – and to pile on new ones – while striving to keep international investors on-side in a highly precarious financial situation.

Issue 492 - 26 September 2023

BAT Nigeria commissions Ibadan solar plant

Project bulletin

British American Tobacco Nigeria (BAT) has commissioned a solar PV plant at its Ibadan factory.

Project bulletin

Norwegian independent power producer Scatec has commissioned a solar PV and battery hybrid project in South Africa, plus two similar schemes in Cameroon via its subsidiary Release.

Cameroon | South Africa

Local developer OnePower has embarked on an ambitious plan to roll out nine solar PV mini-grids in Lesotho’s rural areas, including Thaba-Tseka, Mohale’s Hoek, Qacha’s Nek, Mokhotlong and Quthing. The company is already developing Lesotho’s first utility-scale solar PV plant, a 20MW PV plant in Mafeteng (AE 394/11, 358/13).
