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A net 7,706MW was added to the African power grid in 2020, down from 9.6GW in 2019 and a high of 19GW in 2018, according to an annual update from African Energy Live Data. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) the impact was even more severe, when South Africa is excluded from the data. Only 1,584MW was added in the SSA region over the course of the year, the lowest amount of new capacity since 2008.


When most African governments struggle to fund even the most essential projects, costly new technologies may seem a luxury. But rethinking how they can be applied to energy networks can be a valuable exercise for policy-makers and investors: ‘disruptive technology’ can have far-reaching benefits, or prove a red herring for cash-strapped economies.

Kenya | Ghana | Rwanda | Djibouti | Morocco | South Africa

The start of commercial operations at the 20MW Kabu 16 hydroelectric (HEP) power plant on the Kabulantwa River in Cibitoke province has been pushed back to June 2022; construction started in June 2019. A spokesperson for German equipment supplier Voith told African Energy that essential tasks had been interrupted by Covid-related restrictions, including the inspection of components. 


The 5MWp Unisun Energy Okatope Solar PV plant is expected to be commissioned by year-end, Pinehas Mutota of Namibia’s Electricity Control Board told African Energy. Initially intended to be completed by Q3 20, construction was delayed by land rights issues and Covid-19.


The 10MWp Adams solar PV plant is expected online in September, construction began in January following the approval of an amended generation licence from the National Energy Regulator of South Africa in December.

South Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB) on 28 May signed loan agreements with the Tanzanian government worth $140m for the construction of the 50MW Malagarasi hydropower plant. The AfDB has agreed a $120m sovereign loan, with the remaining $20m provided by the AfDB-administered Africa Growing Together Fund.


Globeleq’s Cuamba project was previously developed by Quantum Power, which estimated the solar resource at 2,175kWh/kWp/yr. In 2017, Quantum targeted financial close in late 2018 or early 2019, but with Mozambique moving towards competitive tendering, and after a major management shake-up at Quantum, the target was missed and the project sold.


Côte d’Ivoire’s Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy and Côte d’Ivoire Energies (CI Energies) on 23 June launched a request for prequalification (RfQ) for two grid-connected solar PV plants with combined capacity of at least 60MWp

Côte d'Ivoire

 Côte d’Ivoire’s Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy and Côte d’Ivoire Energies (CI Energies) on 23 June launched a request for prequalification (RfQ) for the design, financing, construction and operation of two grid-connected solar PV plants with combined capacity of at least 60MWp. The plants will be located at Laboa and Touba in the western Bafing region.

Côte d'Ivoire

The government’s announcement of a sharp increase in the threshold at which power plants need a generation licence may be a tacit acknowledgement of the increasingly existential crises threatening Karpowership’s three risk mitigation independent power producer (IPP) procurement programme (RMIPPP) projects, in Coega (450MW), Richards Bay (450MW) and Saldanha (320MW).

South Africa

Preliminary work on the construction of two solar PV plants, one at Salimde near Sokodé in the Central region, and another at Kpalassi near Awandjélo in the Kara region is to start soon, according to local media reports, after two decrees were agreed by the cabinet on 16 June.


The first indications are emerging that water levels in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Gerd) are beginning to rise, as part of the announced second filling. Satellite imagery taken on 28 June showed some areas of land under water compared with imagery from 8 June.


The Lower Kafue Gorge project is set for commissioning in the coming days, as President Lungu continues his strategy of heavy investment in transport and power infrastructure in the run-up to polling day. However, if challenger Hakainde Hichilema prevails in the August election there are likely to be significant changes for state utility Zesco and for the dispute involving Copperbelt Energy Corporation, writes Chiwoyu Sinyangwe.

Issue 443 - 22 July 2021

Burkina Faso explores an FPV option


The authorities in Burkina Faso have been looking at the potential for a floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) development and  and to combine solar with pumped storage hydro. In 2019, a feasibility study was carried out on a hybrid solar-pumped storage plant on the Sirba River, a tributary of the Niger, in eastern Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso

The Economic Community of Central African States (Communauté Economique des États de l’Afrique Centrale or Ceeac) has drawn up a regional renewable energy strategy and plans to put in place a new structure to promote renewables and energy efficiency
