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245 results found for your search

Issue 147 - 05 October 2008

Zimbabwe deal but no deal


Mugabe did a public deal to share power with Tsvangirai, but the octogenarian president has no intention of stepping back, and Zimbabwe’s political and economic crisis thus shows no sign of letting up.

Issue 143 - 19 July 2008

Engen buys Shell assets


Engen Petroleum has concluded a sale and purchase agreement to buy Royal Dutch Shell’s downstream business interests in Lesotho and Zimbabwe. The Malaysian-owned company said it was buying Shell’s share in a joint venture with BP in Zimbabwe, and taking a long-term view that the economy would recover.

Lesotho | Zimbabwe

As its real economy collapses, Zimbabwe seems condemned to suffering an ever-worsening power crisis. But at a regional level NamPower’s rescue deal for Zesa has started to bear fruit, with the first electricity flowing across the border into the Namibian grid.

Namibia | Zimbabwe

AfDB – first private equity investment in Maghreb; CADF $90m for four projects; US EX-IM Sub-Saharan Africa Advisory Committee

Ghana | Libya | Zimbabwe | Algeria | Morocco | Tunisia

Perenco to supply gas to Kribi plant; OCI to build Sidi Krir project; Chinese commit to $90m rural electrification scheme; Steel company orders equipment; HCB resumes supply to Zesa; Arab fund provides Roseires funding

Ghana | Cameroon | Mozambique | Egypt | Sudan | Libya | Zimbabwe