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Issue 179 - 22 January 2010

Morocco needs to find more gas


Some MD1,586m ($199m) was invested in hydrocarbons exploration in 2009, of which MD1,497m was spent by Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (Onhym’)s partners, according to


ESKOM: Study urges asset sale; GENERAL CABLE: South Africa expansion; KENGEN: Andritz gets $52m contract; KPLC: Expected price hike; MASEN: New Moroccan solar energy chief; NUPLANET: Focus on CDMs to bring mini-hydro on stream

Kenya | Morocco | South Africa
Issue 179 - 22 January 2010

Samir delays hydrocracker launch


The much-anticipated launch of a hydrocracker at Morocco’s main Mohammedia refinery has been delayed until February or March, senior Ministry


CAPE VERDE: Martifer wins solar contract; EGYPT: Talkha CCGT tenders; EGYPT: Feedwater heaters for supercritical plant; GHANA: Substation work; LIBYA: Generation policy rethink, nuclear options; MOROCCO: Spanish win HEP revamp work; TUNISIA: Cap Bon IPP prequalification; TUNISIA: Bizerte IPP bidding

Ghana | Cabo Verde | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | Tunisia

IOCs are attracted to the Maghreb and Egypt, but each market poses its own problems, writes John Hamilton. While gas developments and exploration are advancing in Tunisia, and Morocco remains investor-friendly but seems to lack the resources to be more than a marginal play, international oil companies are facing a tougher time in the Maghreb than many expected when they entered promising exploration and production plays in Algeria and Libya.

Egypt | Libya | Algeria | Morocco | Tunisia

Decarbonisation of the global energy industry should mean a massive shift from conventional thermal power and even hydroelectric power to solar, wind and other renewables, as well as nuclear power, carbon capture and storage and biofuels, write Jon Marks and David Slater

Kenya | Egypt | Morocco | South Africa

MOROCCO: AfDB loan for T&D; NIGERIA: GE, Rockson win Kaduna power plant contract; SOUTH AFRICA: Westinghouse fuel contract for Koeberg; SOUTH AFRICA: Medupi contract for Areva

Nigeria | Morocco | South Africa

AFREN: Share placing; CAITHNESS PETROLEUM: Cabre takes new Moroccan block; CAMAC/PACIFIC ASIA: Long-term relationship starts with stake in Nigeria’s Oyo field; Hydrocarbons measurements

Nigeria | Morocco

GAZPROM: Into the trans-Atlantic business; SAMIR: Bitumen contract; SAMIR: Maintenance deal; SASOL: Carbon capture MoU; SONATRACH: Gasoline cooler contract

Nigeria | Algeria | Morocco | South Africa

ALGERIA/MOROCCO: 1,000MW, 400kV interconnection; BURUNDI: Spare parts contract; EGYPT: World Bank lines up Giza North CCGT financing; EGYPT: Nuclear power plant purchase; LIBYA: Gecol asks Hyundai to build Tripoli West; MADAGASCAR: Rural electrification equipment tender; SUDAN: Khartoum wants nuclear ‘training’ reactor

Egypt | Sudan | Madagascar | Libya | Algeria | Morocco | Burundi

San Leon-Island merger proposal; Ultra-deep Transocean drillship starts work off Angola

Angola | Morocco

MAURITANIA: IMF, World Bank to resume lending; IFC: Kuwait Energy Company wins funding; WEST AFRICA: AfDB funds fibre-optic cable

Ghana | Egypt | Mauritania | Nigeria | Morocco | Senegal | Côte d'Ivoire

State sector leaders seem determined to merge the kingdom’s two major utility companies, but the prospect of opposition from labour unions and in parliament, and the need to confront complex pension fund problems, suggest Onee’s creation is not yet a done deal, write Our Casablanca Correspondent and Jon Marks


European funding agencies have teamed up to support a major regional clean energy plan, in an important step towards large-scale solar power development in the Sahara, writes François Misser in Brussels.

Egypt | Morocco | Tunisia

The administration is moving to strengthen the institutional focus on Morocco’s wind-focused renewables drive, with new legislation going through the works to encourage alternative energy, more private and state-funded projects under way, and a significant appointment to head the Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER), which King Mohammed VI agreed should become the state agency driving renewables policy following a national conference on energy strategy earlier this year.
