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MAURITANIA: IMF, World Bank to resume lending; IFC: Kuwait Energy Company wins funding; WEST AFRICA: AfDB funds fibre-optic cable

Ghana | Egypt | Mauritania | Nigeria | Morocco | Senegal | Côte d'Ivoire

ANGOLA: Nineteenth oil discovery in Block 31; REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Marine XI drilling; ETHIOPIA: Petronas resumes exploration in Ogaden; MAURITANIA: Total drilling in Taoudeni Basin; NIGERIA: Oriental launches Ebok field development; SEYCHELLES: Black Marlin starts new seismic; TUNISIA: Australian company takes Chorbane permit

Angola | Mauritania | Seychelles | Nigeria | Ethiopia | Congo Brazzaville | Tunisia

The government has decided to remove a statutory deposit of $1m for every 10,000 barrels refinery capacity imposed on potential investors in the refining sector.

Issue 171 - 03 October 2009

CNOOC seeks ‘6bn bbls’ reserves


China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is seeking a deal with the government for 6bn barrels of reserves.


MAURITANIA: Spain to finance grid expansion; NIGERIA: Mobil to build power plant; SOUTH AFRICA: IPSA seeks buyer for Newcastle power

Mauritania | Nigeria | South Africa

Rehabilitation work at hydroelectric power stations has added 507MW to the national grid, bringing total generation to 2,700MW, according to a statement by Power Minister Lanre Babalola.


Central Bank of Nigeria governor Lamido Sanusi’s crackdown on five prominent banks over alleged abuses, including ramping up share prices and building non-performing loans on transactions involving ‘big men’ cronies, has brought a much-need reality check to the sector.


GE Oil and Gas wins equipment contract; Chevron starts Tombua-Landana production; SOCO well plugged; Vanco awards seismic inversion project; Niger Delta pressure study; DualEx takes Bouhajla permit; Roc Oil delisting from AIM

Angola | Nigeria | Congo Brazzaville | Tunisia | Côte d'Ivoire

The Nigeria-focused Sirius Petroleum, previously known as Global Gaming Technologies, has announced that it has negotiated financing from a London-based family office trust, Capital Investment Office (CapInvest), for a potential marginal oil field project. Sirius, whose shares are listed on the London


Gazprom’s joint venture with Nigeria has boosted a project that continues to attract the backing of governments and IOCs despite continuing doubts over its commercial viability

Niger | Nigeria | Algeria
Issue 169 - 05 September 2009

Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline pros


Algerian demand – although officials are adamant that Sonatrach has sufficient reserves to meet long-term demand, there are growing indications that Algiers may need Nigerian gas to meet export commitments. At the Algeria-US Energy Forum organised by the US-Algeria Business Council in Washington DC earlier this year, Energy and Mines Minister Chakib Khelil admitted that “the TSGP is necessary

Nigeria | Algeria

OANDO: Nigerian player plans major expansion; PETROBRAS: Brazilian major meets missions from Nigeria and Sierra Leone; RAYTEC/AFRICA OIL: Kenya, Puntland farm-ins

Kenya | Somalia | Sierra Leone | Nigeria

ALGERIA: New Illizi Basin gas find; ANGOLA: Subsea 7 wins BP contract; REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE): Murphy begins oil production, makes discovery; REPUBLIC OF CONGO: SOCO spuds first Marine XI well; REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Dry well on Marine IX; EGYPT: Dana gas finds; EGYPT: Eni starts subsea gas production at North Bardawil; LIBYA: ExxonMobil drills first deep-water well; NIGERIA: Afren takes 28% stake in Okwok; NIGERIA: KNOC wins lawsuit against government; NIGERIA/SAO TOME: Addax starts JDZ drilling; SENEGAL: Shell pulls out of deal; TANZANIA: Upstream players create trade association; ZAMBIA: Government extends licensing round deadline

Egypt | Nigeria | Libya | Zambia | Congo Brazzaville | Algeria | Tanzania | Senegal

The nation has been transfixed by the Niger Delta crisis, as the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta’s attack on a jetty in Lagos and subsequent 60-day ceasefire offer took the conflict to a new level.

Issue 166 - 04 July 2009

Bitumen exploration in Nigeria


Nigeria has a long history of mining. It was once a large gold producer, the sixth largest global exporter of tin ore and a big exporter of coal in the early 1960s
