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The Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation is seeking bids for project consultancy services for the 100MW Assela wind farm project, to be built south-east of Addis Ababa.


Tullow Oil’s Ngamia-1 find south-west of Lake Turkana is likely to intensify a minor scramble that has developed in recent times for two of the last pieces of open acreage in the country, Block 11A in the Lotikipi Basin and 11B in the Gatome Basin.

Kenya | South Sudan | Ethiopia

Though recent discoveries across the border in Kenya have put the adjacent Ethiopian southern Tertiary Rift acreage under the spotlight, explorers have also been busy in the Ogaden Basin, the country’s traditional focus of oil exploration in the east (AE 228/3).


India’s efforts to penetrate sub-Saharan markets will receive a boost with the imminent start-up of the first major project in Ethiopia’s ambitious sugar industry expansion programme.

Issue 228 - 30 March 2012

EoI invited for interconnector


Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) and Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) have invited expressions of interest by 11 April for consultancy services for an interconnector linking the power systems of Ethiopia and Kenya

Kenya | Ethiopia

Tullow Oil’s Kenya Block 10BB well results have potentially huge implications for exploration in adjacent blocks 10BA, 12A, 13T, and also across the border in Ethiopia’s South Omo Block

Kenya | Uganda | Ethiopia

Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) has said the breakaway state of Somaliland will be the next beneficiary of its electricity export deals

Somalia | Ethiopia
Issue 226 - 01 March 2012

Sudan interconnection completed


The Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) has announced it has completed construction of a 296km, 230kV power transmission line between Ethiopia and Sudan (AE 224/4). The line connects the Ethiopian towns of Bahir-Dar and Metemma with the Sudanese border town of Gedaref, and the power grid of Sudan. The line, constructed with $41m of funding from the World Bank, will transmit an initial 100MW of electricity from Ethiopia.

Issue 225 - 16 February 2012

Three new large-scale dams mooted


The Ministry of Water & Energy plans to carry out feasibility studies for three more large-scale hydropower plants on the Abay (Blue Nile) River

Issue 224 - 02 February 2012

SouthWest signs PSA for Gambela Block


SouthWest Energy has signed a production-sharing agreement for the Gambela concession in the west of the country, bordering South Sudan.


Plans to export hydropower to supply the region has won the support of donors, despite the controversies surrounding the dams themselves and concerns of neighbouring states Despite dam controversies, donors back grid links for Ethiopia’s power vision

Issue 223 - 19 January 2012

Total awards depot contract


Total Ethiopia has awarded the civil works contract for its new depot in Dukem to Kassa & Sons Consulting, the Addis Fortune reported


The Ethiopia-Kenya hydropower interconnection project may be the first to benefit from work conducted by the African Development Bank (AfDB), through the African Carbon Support Programme

Kenya | Ethiopia
Issue 220 - 18 November 2011

Military technology unlocks geology


According to SouthWest Energy chairman and chief executive Tewodros Ashenafi, the use of full-tensor gravity (FTG) geophysical surveying technology – initially developed by Bell Labs for the US Navy’s mapping of stealth submarines and more recently applied in Uganda by Tullow Oil – had proved invaluable, even if it initially caused suspicion in the heavily militarised Ogaden region

Issue 220 - 18 November 2011

Military technology unlocks geology


According to Hong Kong-registered, Ethiopia-based SouthWest Energy chairman and chief executive Tewodros Ashenafi, the use of full-tensor gravity (FTG) geophysical surveying technology – initially developed
