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Issue 219 - 04 November 2011

Tanzania: Heritage moves west


Heritage Oil Corporation has signed a production-sharing agreement (PSA) covering almost the entire Rukwa Rift Basin in western Tanzania. London Stock Exchange listed Heritage, which is operator with 100%, said the 18,920km2 block shared geological similarities with Uganda’s Albert Basin,where it enjoyed early exploration success, and it hoped to capitalise on its expertise there. The work programme will start shortly with the acquisition of 600km of new 2D seismic data, while 2,300km of 2D seismic from the 1980s will be reprocessed The PSA is divided into the 10,175km2 Rukwa North Basin and 8,745km2 Rukwa South Basin. Two wells were drilled on the acreage in the mid-1980s.


Uganda’s dynamic new parliament has hit out at the perceived lack of transparency in the oil sector, demanding full disclosure of contracts seen as controlled by the president’s inner circle.

Issue 218 - 22 October 2011

EAST AFRICA: Camco wins two contracts


AIM-listed green power developer Camco International has won two contracts in East Africa worth $1.8m in revenue over the next three years. The first is for a $1m solar photovoltaic (PV) clusters project in Tanzania, and the second for an $800,000 project to provide technical assistance to clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in Uganda.

Uganda | Tanzania
Issue 218 - 22 October 2011

Ophir rescues Dominion in $186m deal


Ophir Energy has stepped in to buy Dominion Petroleum after the AIM-listed East Africa player failed to push through a recapitalisation plan in July. The deal could benefit both companies, writes Thalia Griffiths

Kenya | Tanzania

China’s Sichuan Hongda Group has signed a $3bn agreement for mining and power generation at the Mchuchuma coal and Liganga iron ore deposits in the Iringa region of southern Tanzania, described as the biggest private investment in East Africa, while China has agreed financing for new gas pipeline infrastructure.


Independent estimates by RPS Energy have put prospective resources at 21tcf in Tanzanian blocks 1, 3 and 4, where London-listed companies BG Group and Ophir Energy hold stakes.

Issue 217 - 08 October 2011

Shell farms into Petrobras blocks


With no sign of progress on its Pemba and Zanzibar blocks, Shell has farmed into Petrobras’ blocks 5 and 6, taking 50%. Petrobras, which remains as operator, said the Tanzanian authorities had approved the farm-out on 16 September. The blocks are in the Indian Ocean at water depths of 600-3,000 metres.

Issue 216 - 24 September 2011

Aminex refocuses


East Africa pioneer Aminex has reordered its portfolio, appointing Stuard Detmer as chief executive as it gears up for gas sales from Kiliwani North. Detmer started his career with Mobil and was more recently chief executive at Sibir Energy, where he came in after the company experienced severe financial difficulties and oversaw its sale to Gazprom.

Issue 216 - 24 September 2011

Border hydro project moves ahead


Tanzania and Uganda have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to facilitate the development and operation of the Kikagati-Murongo hydropower project on their joint border.

Uganda | Tanzania
Issue 216 - 24 September 2011

Sweco wins electrification contracts


Swedish consultant Sweco has been awarded contracts worth E8.7m ($12m) aimed at improving the electricity supply in several areas of Tanzania

Kenya | Tanzania
Issue 215 - 10 September 2011

Infrastructure funding breaks new ground


Tanzania has tapped a seven-year commercial $250m loan to fund new infrastructure projects, signing off on the deal on 8 August with a consortium of local and global banks led by Stanbic Bank Tanzania and parent company Standard Bank Group of South Africa. 


Emergency plans were pushed through in August to help to alleviate the worst of Tanzania’s power rationing.  But there are understandable concerns about cost and corruption, and fears that larger projects will not come to fruition any time soon, writes Adrian J Browne.


The scale of gas finds offshore Mozambique and Tanzania suggests there are reserves to support two LNG plants, if Anadarko and BG can capture Asian markets in the face of competition from Australia, writes Adrian J Browne

Mozambique | Tanzania
Issue 214 - 30 July 2011

Norconsult bribery case


Økokrim, the Norwegian National Authority for the Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime, has convicted three former employees of engineering consultancy Norconsult of bribery in connection with the Dar es Salaam Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Issue 214 - 30 July 2011

BP sale approved


Tanzania’s Fair Competition Commission (FCC) has cleared the acquisition of 50% of BP Tanzania Limited by Trafigura subsidiary Puma Energy (Tanzania) Investments Ltd
