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Issue 225 - 16 February 2012

Tanzania steps up search for gas


More drilling is under way on and offshore Tanzania to prove up more gas reserves. The Rovuma Basin is one centre of activity, and PanAfrican Energy has started work on its Songo Songo expansion


An energy trade mission led by US deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs William Fitzgerald visited Mozambique, Tanzania, Nigeria and Ghana from 6-17 February

Ghana | Mozambique | Nigeria | Tanzania
Issue 224 - 02 February 2012

Three PSAs signed as rush continues


The Ministry of Energy and Minerals has signed production-sharing agreements (PSAs) with Heritage Oil Corporation, Motherland Industries and Petrobras for three of Tanzania’s remaining open blocks.

Issue 224 - 02 February 2012

Wentworth raises Mnazi Bay stake


Wentworth Resources has bought Cove Energy’s 16.38% interest in the Mnazi Bay concession, in a cash and shares deal valued at $38.8m


The energy regulator has approved a tariff increase averaging 40.29% following a request by Tanzania Electricity Supply Company (Tanesco) for a 155% rise to cover the high cost of emergency power


Gas producer PanAfrican Energy (PAE) has acknowledged that inaccurate cost recovery claims of $28m in Tanzania were the result of “mistakes”, but continues to deny accusations of fraud levelled by a parliamentary committee report as it awaits a response from the government.


After East Africa’s offshore gas finds hit the headlines, results from onshore drilling in Puntland and Kenya could further boost expectations in a variety of unproven plays stretching from Djibouti to Zambia. Markets are eager for news, but seasoned geologists are urging caution

Kenya | Somalia | Tanzania
Issue 222 - 16 December 2011

Dominion plans seismic on Block 7


Dominion Petroleum, which is being acquired by Ophir Energy, plans to acquire 2D seismic on offshore Block 7 in early 2012. Mubadala Oil & Gas farmed

Kenya | Tanzania
Issue 221 - 02 December 2011

BG orders ‘pirate-proof’ vessel


BG Tanzania has given UAE-based Stanford Marine a time-charter contract for the Stanford Buzzard platform

Issue 221 - 02 December 2011

Fraud claims overshadow Songo Songo


A parliamentary committee in Tanzania has accused gas producer PanAfrican Energy (PAE) of accounting irregularities and recommended termination of its production-sharing agreement (PSA). The accusations come as PAE starts work on a $130m project to double gas production capacity from Songo Songo Island.


Recent geological revelations offshore East Africa have sparked interest in French territory Juan de Nova and the Seychelles, where a number of farm-in opportunities beckon. But political risk remains an obstacle to progress in the region’s historical focus for exploration, Madagascar. While Tanzania and Mozambique hold out the prospect for major gas developments, the islands may have longer to

Mozambique | Madagascar | Tanzania

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme (Nelsap) has invited expressions of interest (EoIs) by 23 November from consultants to serve as owner’s engineer for the 90MW Rusumo Falls hydropower project on the Kagera River.

Rwanda | Tanzania | Burundi

The SAPP is putting on a brave face about prospects for the region’s electricity supply industry and its own performance, looking to inflows of investment to install more generation capacity across southern Africa and for the pool’s trading mechanisms to gain momentum

Mozambique | Botswana | Lesotho | DR Congo | Angola | Namibia | Malawi | eSwatini (Swaziland) | Zimbabwe | Tanzania | South Africa
Issue 219 - 04 November 2011

Tanzania: Heritage moves west


Heritage Oil Corporation has signed a production-sharing agreement (PSA) covering almost the entire Rukwa Rift Basin in western Tanzania. London Stock Exchange listed Heritage, which is operator with 100%, said the 18,920km2 block shared geological similarities with Uganda’s Albert Basin,where it enjoyed early exploration success, and it hoped to capitalise on its expertise there. The work programme will start shortly with the acquisition of 600km of new 2D seismic data, while 2,300km of 2D seismic from the 1980s will be reprocessed The PSA is divided into the 10,175km2 Rukwa North Basin and 8,745km2 Rukwa South Basin. Two wells were drilled on the acreage in the mid-1980s.

Issue 219 - 04 November 2011

Heritage moves west


Heritage Oil Corporation has signed a production-sharing agreement (PSA) covering
