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Issue 131 - 25 January 2008

Taipei dumped for Beijing


Malawi has become the latest country to cut off diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favour of the People’s Republic of China


There was another chilly dose of reality from the tropics for the growing number of donors and policy-makers looking to Democratic Republic of Congo’s extravagant endowment of natural resources, including hydropower capacity, to help southern/central Africa to overcome its now chronic power shortages, when in mid-January former militia leader Eugène Serufuli was appointed chairman of Société Nationale d’Electricité (Snel)’s managing board. This controversial decision had little to do with rehabilitating gensets or getting more of Kinshasa, not to mention the rest of this sprawling country, electrified. It said much for the balance of forces in DRC, as President Joseph Kabila consolidates power, one year on from his election victory.

DR Congo

Among the larger Saudi-controlled companies active in the African resources boom is Stockholm-based Svenska Petroleum, which belongs to Saudi/Ethiopian magnate Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi – one of that group of Saudi businessmen born into non-Saudi or marginal communities who have emerged as very significant players, usually by being linked to senior Saudi princes as ‘men of business’ during part, at least, of their careers.

Nigeria | Morocco | Côte d'Ivoire

Keen to avoid the resource curse that has affected other countries in the Gulf of Guinea, the government of Ghana is consulting widely on how best to develop its nascent oil industry. Peaceful, democratic, with relevant experience from its mining industry and a sophisticated civil society, Ghana should be able to provide a model of best practice for its neighbours.

Issue 112 - 20 April 2007

Spotting oil from space


As they hurtle round the earth 16 times a day at a height of 220 miles, the astronauts of the International Space Station are, among other tasks, photographing vast, previously unknown, and very large scale geological formations capable of assisting oil geologists in their understanding of continental sedimentary basins.

Kenya | Somalia | South Sudan | Sudan
Issue 37 - 24 April 2001

Oil firms on trial again in Sudan


Lundin Oil chairman Adolf Lundin has said he would welcome a formal inquiry by the Swedish government into his company’s operations in Sudan following a critical new report by Christian Aid reviving the controversy over the role of foreign oil companies in funding the government’s war against southern rebels.

Issue 176 - 21 July 1986

The isolation of Arafat


Saudi Arabia Newsletter: It is perhaps too soon to know whether King Hussein's recent visit to SaudiArabia did anything to alter the kingdom's traditional full support for Yasser Arafat's leadership of the PLO.

Saudi Arabia