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A Gridworks-Eranove-AEE Power consortium, developer of three metro-grid solar PV projects for cities in northern Democratic Republic of Congo, has selected the African Development Bank as lead arranger. An initial funding round for $145m is expected to conclude within 18 months.

DR Congo

A seventh loading of oil from the Niger-Benin Export Pipeline (NBEP) since exports resumed in August points to a slight thaw in tensions between Cotonou and Niamey, which have resumed a more normal pattern of diplomatic relations even though the border remains closed, writes Virgile Ahissou in Cotonou with Marc Howard.

Benin | Niger
Project bulletin

The African Development Bank has committed $170m for Egypt’s largest wind project to date, which is being developed by Saudi Arabia’s Acwa Power and the local Hassan Allam Utilities. Another multilateral is expected to contribute a further $200m.


Abu Dhabi National Energy Company’s new lower-carbon energy and chemicals investment vehicle XRG will take a 49% stake in Arcius Energy, with BP holding the majority stake in the new joint venture whose initial focus is Egypt.


Some 330MW of new, small-scale renewable capacity is expected to be funded by Camco’s Repp 2 blended finance fund. Prospective projects span on- and off-grid solar, hydroelectric and wind power.

Project bulletin

Pele Green Energy has reached financial close for a major solar PV IPP that will supply power to the Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture.

South Africa
Issue 518 - 17 December 2024

Kosmos and Tullow call off merger talks


Having excited markets only days before by presenting a prospective merger with Tullow, Kosmos Energy has announced that it doesn’t intend to make an offer. Tullow confirmed the deal was off and announced a separate arbitral decision was imminent in its appeal against a big Ghanaian tax demand.

Issue 518 - 17 December 2024

Kenya's power infrastructure


Revised in December 2024, tis map fcuses on power sector infrastructure across Kenya. The locations of power generation facilities that are operating, under construction or planned are shown by type – including liquid fuels, gas and liquid fuels, coal, geothermal, hybrid, hydroelectricity, solar PV, wind and biomass/biogas. Generation sites are marked with different sized circles to show sites of 3-9MW, 10-99MW, 100-499MW and 500MW and above. Existing and future transmission lines are shown ranging from 132kV to 500kV. Actual and planned cross-border interconnectors are also shown including lines to Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. An inset provides greater detail of the projects and infrastructure to the north and east of Nairobi including the Olkaria geothermal plants and projects. Power generation data was drawn from our African Energy Live Data platform, which contains project level detail on power plants and projects across Africa. The map is presented as a PDF file using eps graphics, meaning that there is no loss of resolution as the file is enlarged.  

Project bulletin

Zimbabwe and Zambia say work has started to update feasibility studies on the $5bn Batoka Gorge hydroelectric power (HEP) scheme on the Zambezi River. Planned since 1972, initial studies on the scheme were carried out in the 1990s, with financial support from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Zambia | Zimbabwe

KTDA is seeking EPC contractors for its greenfield 2.8MW Taunet run-of-river project. The tender also includes lots for the supply of associated transmission works and electromechanical equipment.


The third round of South Africa’s battery energy storage programme has attracted 33 bids from prospective independent power producers.

South Africa

Kenya’s nuclear regulator has drawn up plan for small-scale reactors of around 100-300MW capacity and is assessing project structuring and funding.

Issue 518 - 16 December 2024

Zimbabwe’s power infrastructure map


Revised in December 2024, this map provides a detailed view of the power sector in Zimbabwe. The locations of power generation facilities that are operating, under construction or planned are shown by type – including liquid fuels, gas and liquid fuels, coal, coal bed methane, hybrid, hydroelectricity, solar PV and biomass/biogas. Generation sites are marked with different sized circles to show sites of 1-9MW, 10-99MW, 100-499MW and 500MW and above. Existing and future transmission and distribution lines are shown ranging from 132kV to 400kV. Actual and planned cross-border interconnectors are also shown including lines to Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. An inset provides a closer look at the area around Harare. Power generation data was drawn from our African Energy Live Data platform, which contains project level detail on power plants and projects across Africa. The map is presented as a PDF file using eps graphics, meaning that there is no loss of resolution as the file is enlarged.  


The Universal Energy Facility is aiming to build on the $13m already raised by attracting commitments of $54m by 2026 for new mini-grid projects.


Early talks have been held between two West Africa-focused indies, with Kosmos Energy discussing an all-share acquisition of Tullow Oil to create a significant new upstream player with a notable footprint in Ghana, write Marc Howard and James Gavin.

Ghana | Mauritania | Senegal | Côte d'Ivoire