Brian Mushimba

CEO, Power, GL Africa Energy

Brian Mushimba

Brian is responsible for leading and creating a roadmap for the power business of GL Africa Energy (GLAE), a subsidiary of the pan-African company Janus Continental Group (JCG) which operates in the energy, real estate, hospitality, and conservation sectors.

Brian has a focus on investments and operating strategies for energy projects and is passionate about growing a business that provides sustainable energy solutions tailored for Sub-Saharan Africa. He has extensive industry experience in Africa including a previous role as cabinet minister in the Zambian government. His influence extends across Sub-Saharan Africa, encompassing previous roles at Eskom, SN Power (now Scatec) as well as other senior roles held with global companies at Siemens Power Generation, Lafarge Cement, and Pratt & Whitney Power Systems.

Brian is a registered engineer, holds a PhD in environmental engineering from The University of Zambia, an MBA from Salem University (USA), an MSc in electrical/electronics engineering from Pittsburg State University (USA) and a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering from The University of Arizona, USA. He is a member of the Engineering Institute of Zambia, the Project Management Institute, the International Society of Automation, and the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Practitioners.