Zambia solar tender held up by low tariff
Issue 318
- 25 Feb 2016
| 3 minute read
Zambia has been crippled by drought and chronic mismanagement of water assets in the south of the country. Energy minister Dora Siliya told the Africa Energy Indaba conference in Johannesburg on 16 February that the Kariba reservoir – the largest manmade lake in the world – was only 12.7% full. Measures to improve the situation are in short supply. The 120MW Itezhi-Tezhi public private partnership between Tata Power and Zesco is operating at only 40MW due to water shortages, while an agreement to buy 138MW of power from an Aggreko power plant in Mozambique is hugely expensive, and Zambia has reduced its imports from Aggreko to 40MW.
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