Upstream pointers: Sonatrach, Anadarko, FMC, Saipem, Total, Noble, McDermott, Simba, Nocal, NOC, Shell, TPAO, Circle, Addax, Murphy

Issue 202 - 04 Feb 2011 | 5 minute read

ALGERIA: El Merk on stream from Q2 2012; ANGOLA: New Girassol contract for FMC; ANGOLA: Saipem wins drilling contract; EQUATORIAL GUINEA: McDermott subsidiary gets Noble contact; LIBERIA: Simba looks for PSC; LIBYA: NOC holds off on licensing round again; LIBYA: Shell tests fourth deep well; LIBYA: TPAO success continues; MOROCCO: Another gas discovery for Circle Oil; NIGERIA: Saipem wins contract extension; REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE): Murphy plugs wells

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