Uganda’s parliament votes to oust Umeme, Eskom, but investors stand firm with government backing
Issue 275
- 11 Apr 2014
| 4 minute read
Days after private distributor Umeme posted profits of USh84bn ($32.9m) for 2013, a substantial increase on 2012’s USh57bn, parliament has asked the government to terminate the company’s 25-year concession, as well as recommending that Eskom Uganda should lose its concession to manage the 200MW Kiira and 180MW Nalubaale hydropower plants. Specifically, the Ad Hoc Committee on Energy’s report on the performance of the electricity subsector suggested both Eskom and Umeme had exaggerated their investments in the country. “More than ten years after the reforms in the power sector were carried out, the generation capacity at the main Kiira-Nalubaale hydropower plants dropped from a high of 270MW.
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