Uganda: Hydro applications in GET FiT tender
Issue 296
- 12 Mar 2015
| 3 minute read
Twelve hydropower projects with a combined installed capacity of 90MW have passed the initial due diligence in Uganda’s third and last request for proposals (RfP) under the pilot Global Energy Transfer Feed-in Tariffs (GET FiT) programme. Final investment decisions will be made in June based on the results of detailed appraisal by the implementation consultant Multiconsult Norplan and on remaining available financing, according to GET FiT’s 2014 annual report published in late February. The government of Uganda, represented by German development bank KfW, received applications for 18 hydropower projects in the third RfP, which was launched last November and closed in January this year with the aim of supporting a further 60MW-80MW of renewable energy capacity.
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