Tanzania: AfDB outlines $1bn energy spending to 2020
Issue 319
- 10 Mar 2016
| 1 minute read
The African Development Bank has outlined plans to invest more than $1bn in energy projects in Tanzania by 2020 in its 2016-2020 Country Strategy Paper, which was approved on 24 February. The projects are expected to attract a further $1.2bn investment from other organisations. Projects expected to be approved this year include a $563m 100MW geothermal development project, the $370m 87MW Kakono hydropower project, the $27.6m Bagamoyo Rural Infrastructure Development project, and the $69m Energy Sector Reform Programme. The $660m North-West transmission grid, $138m 45MW Malagarasi hydro project, and the $86m Songwe Basin Infrastructure Development project.
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