Starenergie signs new Songon agreement
Issue 338
- 19 Jan 2017
| 1 minute read
Ivorian power developer Starenergie 2073 has signed an agreement valued at CFA28bn ($46m) with Vinci Energies Côte d’Ivoire and Cegelec Maroc for associated infrastructure for the 372MW Songon thermal power plant. The Ivorian firm signed an agreement in August 2016 with China Energy Engineering Corporation to build the gas-fired plant. Starenergie says US developer Endeavor Energy, which signed a joint development agreement (JDA) for the scheme in 2015, is no longer a partner on the project. Endeavor said in October 2016 that it had invested several million dollars in the project’s development and was committed to enforcing its rights under the JDA.
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