Sapp to finance Luapula hydro study
Issue 339
- 02 Feb 2017
| 2 minute read
The Southern African Power Pool project advisory unit (Sapp-PAU) is evaluating expressions of interest from consultants for a detailed bankable feasibility study for the construction of a 627MW hydropower station on the Luapula River and associated transmission lines to evacuate the power to both Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo (AE 335/10). Sapp-PAU senior transaction adviser Omar Vajeth said the unit would issue a request for proposals to the shortlisted bidders. Zambia’s Zesco and DRC’s Société Nationale d’Electricité (Snel) asked the Sapp Coordination Centre (Sapp-CC) to help them develop the project, following an intergovernmental memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in July 2015 by Zambia and DRC, along with an inter-utility MoU between Zesco and Snel.
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