Niger refinery exports suspended amid tensions with Chinese partners

In depth
Issue 305 - 24 Jul 2015 | 4 minute read

Relations between the Chinese and Nigerien partners in the 20,000 b/d Société de Raffinage de Zinder (Soraz) refinery in southern Niger have worsened further, with the Chinese demanding that they manage exports directly, instead of via the state distributor Société Nigérienne des Produits Pétroliers (Sonidep), which has struggled with the logistical challenges of lifting and storing the refinery’s output.The refinery is owned 60% by China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which produces oil from the Agadem licence in eastern Niger, and 40% by the state. Disputes over pricing have marred operations since the start, and local workers have been protesting in recent months about pay and working conditions.

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