Mozambique: Gas-fired projects line up

Issue 320 - 24 Mar 2016 | 2 minute read

Mozambican officials remain bullish about the potential for gas-to-power schemes to meet their ambitious forecast of representing 42% of the energy mix by 2020. New gas-fired capacity came online in December at Ressano Garcia, while an emergency open-cycle unit operating in Maputo since early 2015 is supplying 100MW. Speaking in Johannesburg on 15 March, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) director of market operations Aderito Manso de Sousa said he expected the 100MW Central Térmica Maputo plant to be converted to combined-cycle operation by October 2018. Japan’s Sumitomo Corporation and IHI Corporation in February signed a contract with EDM for a 100MW-110MW CCGT unit.

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