Morocco: Cairn pushes on after dry well on Foum Draa
Issue 269
- 06 Jan 2014
| 2 minute read
Cairn Energy is preparing to spud a well on the Juby Maritime III Block following a dry well on the adjacent Foum Draa Block. The well will drill down some 1,000 metres below the 1969 Cap Juby heavy oil discovery in the Upper Jurassic to target a Middle Jurassic carbonate prospect. Cairn said operations would begin once the FD-1 exploration well had been plugged and abandoned. The Cajun Express semisubmersible drillship spudded the FD-1 well in late October in 1,500 metres of water, targeting a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous deep-water turbidite slope fan and channel complex.
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