Morocco: Another job for Masen head Bakkoury
Issue 308
- 25 Sep 2015
| 1 minute read
Having combined the jobs of Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy head and Parti Authenticité et Modernité (PAM) leader since 2012, as well as sitting on Sustainable Energy for All’s advisory board, Mustapha Bakkoury has been elected president of the Casablanca-Settat regional government, following Morocco’s local elections. On 14 September, he defeated Abdessamad Haikeur, candidate of Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane’s Parti de la Justice et du Développement (PJD), to secure the post. The PJD emerged as the largest party after the polls – pointing to the likelihood of Benkirane remaining in office after general elections in 2016 – but the PAM, a technocrat party close to the Palace, also polled well.
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