IPS/Sithe consortium selected for Great Lakes regional power scheme
Issue 285
- 26 Sep 2014
| 2 minute read
After two years of negotiations, Sithe Global and Industrial Promotion Services (IPS) initialled term sheets for the 147MW Ruzizi III hydroelectric project on 18 September with the Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL). The agreement confirms the companies as successful bidders and gives them the go-ahead to negotiate specific contract terms over the coming months. The project is the third in a series of hydro schemes on the Ruzizi River, which connects lakes Kivu and Tanganyika on the borders of Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. The 30MW Ruzizi I and 44MW Ruzizi II plants are being rehabilitated, and a 287MW Ruzizi IV scheme is still at the planning stage.
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