Ethiopia: Third well strikes out on South Omo
Issue 278
- 31 May 2014
| 1 minute read
The Shimela-1 well on the South Omo Block has proved another disappointment for operator Tullow Oil, finding only water-bearing reservoirs. Shimela-1 was drilled to a final depth of 1,940 metres to test a prospect in a north-western sub-basin of the Chew Bahir Basin. The Exalo 205 rig will now move to drill the Gardim-1 wildcat exploration well in a separate sub-basin in the south-eastern corner of the Chew Bahir Basin. “Although the Shimela well only found traces of thermogenic gas, it has provided key data to continue to build our understanding of the north-western part of the Chew Bahir Basin,” said Tullow exploration director Angus McCoss.
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