Countries and Markets
Issue 191
- 24 Jul 2010
| 4 minute read
Eni and its partners have made a new oil discovery in Block 15/06 with the deep-water Cabaça SE-1 well. The well, located in 470 metres of water 100km offshore, encountered significant oil-bearing reservoirs in the Miocene series. An appraisal well is planned to be drilled in Q3 2010 with the objective of delineating and testing this oil accumulation. Cabaça SE-1 is the seventh exploration well drilled in Block 15/06 since the block was awarded at the end of 2006. The eighth well of the exploration drilling campaign, Mpungi-1, is currently being drilled,and it will complete the work commitment of the first exploration period. The block has delivered six commercial discoveries out of the seven prospects drilled to date.
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