Côte d'Ivoire: Anadarko plans two new wells
Issue 329
- 05 Aug 2016
| 1 minute read
Anadarko is planning a two-well exploration campaign starting in Q3 2016, after it completes its appraisal of the 2012 Paon discovery. Located to the south-east of Paon, the Rossignol and Pelican prospects will target similar-aged sands on trend with the Paon discovery, Anadarko said in its Q2 operations report. Pelican is in Block CI-527 and Rossignol is in CI-528, in deep water offshore Abidjan. Anadarko operates both blocks with a 90% interest. Following the success of the Paon-5A horizontal well, the company successfully drilled a second deep-water horizontal well at the Paon-3AR sidetrack, encountering 37 metres of pay.
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