Angola: Bids sought to build 400kV Huambo-Lubango line
Issue 418
- 26 Jun 2020
| 2 minute read
Rede Nacional de Transporte de Electricidade (RNT) invites prequalification bids by 10 August for the construction of the 400kV Huambo-Lubango transmission line and associated substations. The contract, to be financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB) within the framework of the Energy Sector Efficiency and Expansion Programme (ESEEP), entails the construction of the 343km of Central-South transmission line and a new 400/220/60kV, 2x450 MVA substation at Lubango and the upgrading of an existing 400kV substation in Huambo, as well as the installation of a supervisory control and data acquisition system.
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