Africa: Key data for COP26

Africa- key data for COP26
Issue 449
05 November 2021

Published November 2021, this map illustrates a series of key datasets that provide context to Africa's energy transition and its contribution to current CO2 emissions.

Two maps show country-by-country access to electricity rates and CO2 emissions (actual and per capita). A third map uses African Energy Live Data's power database to provide a country-by-country picture of renewables power generation capacity and renewables as a percentage of total generation capacity.

A line of small pies shows coal generation as a percentage of total generation capacity, with South Africa (72%), Botswana (67%) and Zimbabwe (50%) the largest coal power users.

An inset of two pie charts shows Africa's proportion of world population compared to its contribution to world CO2 emissions.

The map is available as a PDF file using eps graphics, meaning that there is no loss of resolution as the file is enlarged.


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